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Press release: "Starting a month of shows about comic book publishing on Panel Borders: Dickon Harris conducts three interviews with small press creators at the Brighton ‘Zine fest and at the 'Zine-age kicks' event at Trap 2 Gallery in London. Dickon talks to Jimi Gherkin about his new ‘zine 'Electric baby', which includes advice for ‘zine and comic book creators on how to screenprint and self publish their own comics and also about the upcoming anthology Jimi’s editing and how anyone in the small press can submit items to be included. Dickon’s also talking to Dutch artist Kala Newman about her zine - 'Impulsive random platform' - which she creates with fellow students from the Slade school of art and to George Cullen about his self published title 'Throw away' which mixes cryptography with typography to beguiling effect."